
Common Cultural Roots in Uzbeks and Ayns

. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 4 (11): 1-11 (November 2023)


This article (“Common cultural roots in Uzbeks and Ayns”) provides information about the fact that God, the owner of great power, created the world and introduced Islamic laws to ensure the fair and free living of people. It is written that Islam was brought down to earth together with man and that the Creator renewed Islam four times. It is noted that these updates took place during the time of Safiyullah, Noah, Ibrahim and Muhammad (pbuh). It is explained that the incomparable God created the sun as the main source of energy for the constellations built for people. Moreover, it is explained that he gave grass as a gift to people on the globe to live a better life and get additional energy. At the same time, it is said that the descendants of Adam and Eve on earth began to experience real protection and the taste of food with the help of fire, and this continued until Noah's flood. It has been given a detailed understanding that the people living on Earth are descended from the three sons of Noah, Som-Abulajam, Hom-Abulhind, Yofas-Abut-Turk. It is also reported that Turan and Turkestan were given to Yofas (Tur) who received the blessing of the father and that his descendants were called Turs. It is explained that the ancestors of the species are the Uzbeks, and the Ain, who are the basis of the Japanese, belong to the species. It is stated that there are five points of latitude (latitude) on Earth where the Blue Planet and stars are clearly visible, all of which are in the habitat of the species.

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