
Decision Making System Supported by Adaptive Coloured Petri Nets

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International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC), 9 (4): 1-12 (July 2017)
DOI: 10.5121/ijcnc.2017.9401


This work presents a decision-making system supported by Adaptive Coloured Petri Net (ACPN). Experts in a given field can establish a set of rules for the proper functioning of a manufacturing process or even acompany, facilitating the decision-making process. However, whenever the scenario changes and new rules need to be incorporated into the rule set, or old rules need to be deleted or modified, the manager may find it difficult to reformulate this set of rules. An adaptive mechanism that facilitates the modification of the set of rules is fundamental to assist the manager in making decisions. The Adaptive Color Petri Net is a tool that enables the modification of the set of rules, transforming the IF-THEN rule format used by anauxiliary Extended Adaptive Decision Table in an equivalent ACPN subnet



  • @laimbee

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