
Novel Promising Algorithm to suppress Spoof Attack by Cryptography Firewall2014

. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (5): 102-109 (August 2018)


Spoof attack suppression by the biometric information incorporation is the new and modern method ofavoid and as well suppression the attack online as well Off line . Wireless networks provide variousadvantages in real world. This can help businesses to increase their productivity, lower cost andeffectiveness, increase scalability and improve relationship with business partners and attractcustomers. In recent decades, we have witnessed the evolution of biometric technology from the firstpioneering works in face and voice recognition to the current state of development wherein a widespectrum of highly accurate systems may be found, ranging from largely deployed modalities, such asfingerprint, face, or iris, to more marginal ones, such as signature or hand. Fingerprints cannot lie, butliars can make fingerprints". Unfortunately, this paraphrase of an old quote attributed to Mark Twain1has been proven right in many occasions now. And not only for fingerprints, but also for many otherbiometric traits such as face, iris, voice or even gait. Every technology has its own time. Since the firstpioneering works on automatic voice and face recognition over 40 years ago 1"“23, steady andcontinuous progress has been made in the development of biometric technology. Driven by the veryappealing new security biometric paradigm "forget about cards and passwords, you are your own key",researchers from many different fields such as image processing, computer vision or patternrecognition, have applied the newest techniques in each of these areas to improve the performance ofbiometric systems 4. This path of technological evolution has permitted the use of biometrics in manydiverse activities such as forensics, border and access control, surveillance or on-line commerce. Prof Hadadi Sudheendra | Dr. N Krishnamurthy"Novel Promising Algorithm to suppress Spoof Attack by Cryptography Firewall2014" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018, URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd15801.pdf http://www.ijtsrd.com/other-scientific-research-area/other/15801/novel-promising-algorithm-to-suppress-spoof-attack-by-cryptography-firewall2014/prof-hadadi-sudheendra

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