
Scorpius X-1 (Sco X-1) and X-ray transient (XTE) J1751-305 are Low-Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs) that may emit continuous gravitational waves detectable in the band of ground-based interferometric observatories. Neutron stars in LMXBs could reach a torque-balance steady-state equilibrium in which angular momentum addition from infalling matter from the binary companion is balanced by angular momentum loss, conceivably due to gravitational-wave emission. Torque-balance predicts a scale for detectable gravitational-wave strain based on observed X-ray flux. This paper describes a search for Sco X-1 and XTE J1751-305 in LIGO Science Run 6 data using the TwoSpect algorithm, based on searching for orbital modulations in the frequency domain. While no detections are claimed, the most stringent upper limits to date on continuous gravitational-wave emission from Sco X-1 are obtained, spanning gravitational wave frequencies from 40 to 2040 Hz and projected semi-major axes from 0.90 to 1.98 light-seconds. At optimal strain sensitivity, achieved at 165 Hz, the 95confidence level random-polarization upper limit on dimensionless strain \textdollarh\textunderscore0is approximately \textdollar1.8 10ˆ\textbraceleft-24\textbraceright\textdollar. Closest approach to the torque-balance limit, within a factor of 27, is also at 165 Hz. Upper limits are set in particular narrow frequency bands of interest for J1751-305. The TwoSpect method will be used in upcoming searches of Advanced LIGO and Virgo data.

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