@inproceedings{L3S_161e36bf423dca27dc04593f70d9dfdf4cb9379b, abstract = {Knowing about the evolution of a term can significantly decrease time needed for searching for information. It can also aid in quickly getting a broader overview, which is essential when one is on the move. In this paper we present a solution for providing language evolution knowledge ``on the go". We present a mobile interface for easy access and visualization as well as an overview of how this evolution was found. }, added-at = {2012-07-05T09:30:35.000+0200}, author = {Zenz, Gideon and Tahmasebi, Nina and Risse, Thomas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/20a9ea72c57f7c28c02921a2bf0d35577/trisse69}, booktitle = {Proc. of SAME 2010 - 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experience (NAMU Series), November, 10th-12th November 2010, Malaga, Spain}, interhash = {68da4ec9b3c0144bd1b92b9352a4e60f}, intrahash = {0a9ea72c57f7c28c02921a2bf0d35577}, keywords = {evolution language myown}, timestamp = {2013-10-28T16:53:28.000+0100}, title = {Language Evolution On The Go}, url = {http://www.l3s.de/~risse/pub/same2010.pdf}, year = 2010 }