
We will try to communicate the many difficulties that we encounter when attempting to pinpoint a common origin for the several observed anomalies, or assessing their tension with existing exclusion limits. These include systematics affecting the operation of the detectors, our knowledge of their response, astrophysical uncertainties, and the broad range of particle couplings that can mediate the interaction with a detector target. The interesting astrophysical evidence that motivates a search for dark-photon and focuses our attention on a Hidden Valleys model with a GeV-scale dark sector that produces the exciting signatures, which may include the possible constituent of dark matter, the possible existence of extra gauge groups. Results from the recent underground experiments are also considered. Many models of new physics beyond the Standard Model contain a 'light' hidden sector (dark sector) with a colorful spectrum of new particles. Recently, it has been shown that the hidden sector can give rise to unique signatures at colliders when the mass scale in the hidden sector is well below a TeV, as in Hidden Valleys, Stueckelberg extensions, and Unparticle models. These physics models produce unique signatures of collimated leptons at high energies. By studying these ephemeral particles we hope to trace the history of the Universe. Our present theories lead us to believe that there is something new just around the corner, which should be accessible at the energies made available at the modern colliders.

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