
The Effect of Explicit Communications on the Generality and Robustness of Evolved Team of Agents in Predator-Prey Problem

, и . Proceedings of The First Asian-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming, стр. 31--37. Rydges (lakeside) Hotel, Canberra, Australia, (8 December 2003)


We present a comparative analysis of the effect of explicit communications among the predator agents on the generality and robustness of emerged social behaviour of agents in predator-prey pursuit problem. The social behavior is evolved employing strongly typed genetic programming with exception handling capabilities. We demonstrated that the relatively complex, social behavior emerges from simple, basic model of implicit, proximity defined interactions among the agents. Such model offers the benefits of simplicity and scalability. However, compared to the additionally proposed model of explicit communications among the agents, it features increased computational effort and inferior generality and robustness of the emergent behavior of the agents situated in noisy and uncertain environments. Explicit communications contribute to the anomalous reduction of performance degradation with increase of noise in agents perceptions. The reason for the anomaly is viewed in the favourable effect of adaptive, situationally dependent noise in the indirectly (trough communications) perceived environment.

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