
Fostering Intercultural Competencies in Initial Teacher Education. Implementation of Educational Design Prototypes using a Social VR Environment

, , , , and . Proceedings of Innovate Learning Summit 2020 2021, page 73--86. Online, United States, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), (November 2021)


The combination of globalization and digitalization emphasizes the importance of media-related and intercultural competencies of teacher educators and pre-service teachers. This article reports on the initial prototypical implementation of a pedagogical concept to foster such competencies of pre-service teachers. The proposed pedagogical concept utilizes a social VR framework since related work on the characteristics of VR indicate that this medium is particularly well suited for intercultural professional development processes. The development is integrated into a larger design-based-research approach that develops a theory-guided and empirically grounded professional development concept for teacher educators with a special focus on TETC 8. TETC provide a suitable competence framework capable of aligning both requirements for media-related as well as intercultural competencies. In an exploratory study with student teachers we designed...

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