
Siobhan McElduff and Enrica Sciarrino (eds). 2011.Complicating the History of Western Translation: the Ancient Mediterranean in Perspective

. Babel, (2012)
DOI: 10.1075/babel.58.3.09sam


McElduff, Siobhán and Enrica Sciarrino (eds). Complicating the History of Western Translation: The Ancient Mediterranean in Perspective. 2011. Manchester and Kinderhook: St. Jerome Publishing. 2 Maple Road West, Brooklands, Manchester, M23 9HH, United Kingdom/In Trans Publications, P. O. Box 467, Kinderhook, NY 12106, USA. ISBN: 978-1-905763- 30-6. v + 227 pp. Price: €25.00 Reviewed by Zahra Samareh, N4, 6, D-68161 Mannheim, Germany. Email: zahra.samareh72@gmail.com

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