

. International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal, 1 (2): 1-5 (November 2016)


In this work, using professional software Fuzzy Logic Toolbox from MATLAB 7.5 specifically that shows the simulation of a model that reflects organizational change process based on the approach to complexity at the Center for Environmental Engineering Camagüey (CIAC). This organization, as a social formation itself is immersed in an environment that maintains the mutual relations of influence, and it provides the organizational complexity and multiple aspects of uncertainty or fuzziness of its boundaries. It is through the interaction and interconnection of multiple and different factors in nature that based on the implementation of structural and functional systemic approach using a hermeneutic dialectic epistemology we intend to achieve in practice self-organization of the center. Each of these factors or variables, such as nonlinear phenomena in itself, defined by human thought that is imprecise by nature, is expressed by fuzzy sets with overlapping boundaries, which, together with the rule base (existing knowledge system) and the inference mechanism conforms the fuzzy inference system (FIS) that shapes the future conduct of the Center and the interrelationships between all variables. Integration into a single model of factors as diverse and yet highly interrelated with as participation, co-leadership and autonomy variable as "research & development willingness" and others like impacts, production, relevance and optimization to identify possible capacity variable analysis from a vision trans-disciplinary process of self-organization and school management.

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