@inproceedings{mayr2010mehrwertdienste, added-at = {2011-01-14T14:59:25.000+0100}, address = {W\"{u}rzburg}, author = {Mayr, Philipp and Mutschke, Peter and Schaer, Philipp and Sure, York}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/22816a31cd718f71f2296a58e8dbb0012/schaer}, booktitle = {Wissen - Wissenschaft - Organisation}, interhash = {e579e44419a92e02d3e116f80d6fe3e7}, intrahash = {2816a31cd718f71f2296a58e8dbb0012}, keywords = {2011 diss inproceedings irm myown schaer}, note = {(erscheint)}, organization = {International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) German Chapter}, pdf = {http://www.ib.hu-berlin.de/~mayr/arbeiten/IRM-ISKO09.pdf}, publisher = {Ergon-Verlag}, series = {Fortschritte in der Wissensorganisation}, timestamp = {2018-08-13T16:08:08.000+0200}, title = {Mehrwertdienste f\"{u}r das Information Retrieval: das Projekt IRM}, url = {http://www.ib.hu-berlin.de/~mayr/arbeiten/IRM-ISKO09.pdf}, volume = 12, year = 2011 }