@article{Navarro2011, added-at = {2011-03-21T13:12:52.000+0100}, author = {Navarro, S and Cossalter, G and Chiavaroli, C and Kanda, A and Fleury, S and Lazzari, A and Cazareth, J and Sparwasser, T and Dombrowicz, D and Glaichenhaus, N and Julia, V}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2299bf8c76b897ba6856467a48b21add6/sparwasser}, editor = {4(1), Mucosal Immunol}, groups = {public}, interhash = {8035952eb1555f740f4dc50ad8ccce80}, intrahash = {299bf8c76b897ba6856467a48b21add6}, journal = {Mucosal Immunol}, keywords = {sparwasser}, number = 1, pages = {53-65}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20811345}, timestamp = {2012-06-26T10:31:12.000+0200}, title = {The oral administration of bacterial extracts prevents asthma via the recruitment of regulatory T cells to the airways}, username = {sparwasser}, volume = 4, year = 2011 }