@article{Anderton_2017, added-at = {2021-03-16T15:55:34.000+0100}, author = {Anderton, B and Camarda, R and Balakrishnan, S and Balakrishnan, A and Kohnz, R A and Lim, L and Evason, K J and Momcilovic, O and Kruttwig, K and Huang, Q and Xu, G and Nomura, D K and Goga, A}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/22c19af81ab57f65c4937ecff2f906470/ott}, doi = {10.15252/embr.201643068}, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28219903/ = {undefined}, interhash = {b331b0b7e9fe342ef3476ea0b101c31e}, intrahash = {2c19af81ab57f65c4937ecff2f906470}, journal = {EMBO Rep}, keywords = {ott}, month = feb, number = 4, pages = {569-585}, publisher = {{EMBO}}, timestamp = {2021-03-16T15:55:34.000+0100}, title = {MYC -driven inhibition of the glutamate-cysteine ligase promotes glutathione depletion in liver cancer}, url = {https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28219903/}, volume = 18, year = 2017 }