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%0 Book
%1 mcafee2009enterprise
%A McAfee, Andrew
%D 2009
%I Harvard Business Press
%K enterprise2.0 socialmedia
%T Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization's Toughest Challenges
%7 1
%@ 1422125874
added-at = {2011-04-19T08:17:30.000+0200},
asin = {1422125874},
author = {McAfee, Andrew},
biburl = {},
description = {McAfee ist einer der Urheber des Begriffs "Enterprise 2.0". Definiert ist es für ihn durch "emergent social software systems". Auf Fallstudien gestützte, sehr gute Darstellung. Systematik über den Grad der Entfernung der über Social Media Zusammenarbeitenden.},
dewey = {658.4038},
ean = {9781422125878},
edition = 1,
interhash = {230f69f722e79d68828ecafc16fd2335},
intrahash = {248455fed3cec7af8e6c4f1fc64ae7fe},
isbn = {1422125874},
keywords = {enterprise2.0 socialmedia},
publisher = {Harvard Business Press},
timestamp = {2011-04-19T08:17:57.000+0200},
title = {Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for Your Organization's Toughest Challenges},
url = {},
year = 2009