
Public awareness of and attitudes toward cerebral palsy in a nation-wide adult population.

. Acta Paediatr Scand, 79 (11): 1105--1111 (November 1990)


Of 1,200 people randomly sampled from the total Finnish population, cerebral palsy was known to 95.4\% and its meaning to 60.7\%. Nine of ten (88.4\%) would let their children play with a child suffering from cerebral palsy. A total of 48\% stated that they would, other circumstances being equal, hire persons with cerebral palsy. Half (47.5\%) of the subjects regarded it as possible and a further 28.0\% as fully possible for individuals with cerebral palsy to make and maintain a family of their own. A good knowledge of cerebral palsy was independently related to a good basic education, age of more than 24 years, female sex and Finnish as native language. A positive attitude toward people with cerebral palsy was independently related to Finnish as native language and a good basic education. A good knowledge of cerebral palsy fostered a positive attitude toward people with this disease.

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