
In 21st century imagination of life style is almost impossible without utilization of plastic. Consumption of plastic products is increased day by day because plastic goods are light in weight, durable, easy to handle and non-corrosive. In the manufacturing of plastic products, Vinyl chloride monomer and di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate are widely used, these are carcinogenic in nature and also cause serious health hazards to the exposed workers. Workforce, engaged in this kind of industries, is at high risk of exposure to these carcinogenic /toxic pollutants. On the other hand, consumption of poly vinyl chloride in India will increase up to 3.1 million metric tonne /year by 2016-17 .Scarcity of literature, on the combined effect of vinyl chloride monomer and di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate on human health, is an obstacle for mitigation of the health hazards of workers engaged in plastic industries. In conclusion, the knowledge gap needs to be bridged by undertaking comprehensive study covering environmental and biological monitoring of urinary metabolites of both vinyl chloride monomer and di(2-ethylhexy l)phthalate in Indian context.

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