
Towards an ecosystem of structured data on the web

. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, стр. 1--2. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2012)
DOI: 10.1145/2247596.2247597


We are in the midst of very exciting times in which structured data is having a profound impact on many aspects of our lives. In many countries, citizens take for granted the fact that governments, local authorities, and non-government organizations should make a variety of data sets available to the public. These data sets span a variety of topics such as economic indicators, crime statistics, educational data, government spending and campaign contributions. Journalists and other data aficionados are fueling this trend by turning this data into visualizations and stories that are spread by social networks and seen by millions of people 8. These visualizations, stories and public attention, in turn, lead to new questions and hence a demand for additional data.


Towards an ecosystem of structured data on the web

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  • @jullybobble
  • @schmidt2
  • @dblp
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