
Diversifying Engineering and Science: Advice from Organizational Change Theory

. MentorNet News, (August 2006)Advice on implementing organizational change.


Recommends paying attention to organizational change theory when trying to diversity science and engineering. Advises keeping the following principles in mind: (1) "losses are more painful than gains are good" -- so focus on how changes can benefit the entire community; (2) "nothing works perfectly the first time" -- so seek feedback and redesign initiatives if necessary; (3) remember that their is ä major difference between having a vision of what can be accomplished and a hallucination" -- make sure that many people share your vision and that this vision embodies the shared values of the organization; (4) "how resources are allocated reveals an organization's actual values and practices" -- so determine what receive "the most time, money, staffing, and senior leadership attention" and try to align your initiative with these values.

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