@inproceedings{Anicic2009, added-at = {2009-08-24T15:47:22.000+0200}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, author = {Anicic, Darko and Fodor, Paul and St{\"u}hmer, Roland and Stojanovic, Nenad}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24f328b6f5fbd27cdf2ca75b4891cc45b/atrus}, booktitle = {CSE '09: Proceedings of the 2009 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering}, file = {Event-driven Approach for Logic-based Complex Event Processing (paper233).pdf:Event-driven Approach for Logic-based Complex Event Processing (paper233).pdf:PDF}, interhash = {629213a8cf4b2a9325895945e678f019}, intrahash = {4f328b6f5fbd27cdf2ca75b4891cc45b}, keywords = {2009 ETALIS myOwn CEP event rule iCEP CTR logic}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, timestamp = {2009-08-24T15:47:23.000+0200}, title = {Event-driven Approach for Logic-based Complex Event Processing}, year = 2009 }