
The Effects Of Concept Maps On Requirements Elicitation And System Models During Information Systems Development

. Proc. of the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, (2004)


There are many problems associated with the development of information systems. Requirements elicitation is the phase of systems development when the systems analyst attempts to understand the user(s) concept for a particular system. Problems encountered or left unsolved from the requirements elicitation phase may worsen during the remainder of the systems development project. At the heart of the process is the need to create a shared understanding between the user and the analyst. One method for creating a shared understanding is the creation of a joint concept map by the parties involved. It is hypothesized that combining concept maps with requirements elicitation in an experimental setting will show the benefits of incorporating this technique into the requirements elicitation phase of systems development. An experiment was conducted involving analysts and users working together as a dyad across three treatment groups. The results indicate that the concept map did not assist the analysts during requirements elicitation. These findings are in the opposite direction of existing theory, prior research, and the hypotheses of this research.

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