
This report on Evaluation and Enrichment provides an overview of the different processes in semantic enrichment and offers guidance on how to assess each of these steps to implement a coherent enrichment strategy. The report begins by introducing the terminology used in the report. While defining the notion of semantic enrichment, the Task Force has identified several other associated notions that are commonly used in the cultural heritage domain when addressing semantic enrichment. We also provide an overview of the enrichment tools and services developed in the Europeana Network over the past years, reflecting the diversity of processes at hand: tools for manual enrichment and annotation, tools for automatic enrichment and workflow design tools. We also focus on the interoperability issues such as rules for specifying the linking or the format used to describe the enrichment outputs. As well as looking at the details of the enrichment processes we pick up the work done by the previous Task Force by specifying criteria for selecting and assessing target datasets. These criteria are based on vocabularies and datasets examples relevant to the Cultural Heritage domain. This selection strategy is available in a companion document to this report. The last component of the enrichment strategy is the evaluation of the enrichment processes. So far, evaluation in this domain has not been much documented even though a lot of work has been done in the field. We have tried to summarise different evaluation methodologies developed in related projects. These methods highlight the different components of the enrichment process that can be subject to evaluation. In order to validate all the recommendations provided in the previous sections, we have performed a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of seven enrichment services on a same subset of the Europeana dataset. The report of the evaluation is available in a companion document to this report while the main conclusions remain in this report. This report is a result of an inventory of tools, practices and standards that define the current state of the art for semantic enrichment. The analysis and evaluation work done during the course of the Task Force have allowed us to compile a series of lessons learnt that should be considered for the design and enhancement of enrichment services and their evaluation

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