
Neurogenic spinal deformities. II. Sitting and seating devices: principles and indications

. Orthopade, 31 (1): 58--64 (Januar 2002)


Sitting is a dynamic process regulated by motor reactions due to endogenic and exogenic influences. Patients with neuromuscular disorders may not continuously adapt their sitting posture but seating devices may improve their quality of life. Prerequisites for the indication of high quality and cost effective seating devices are guidelines for planning and fitting which consider both pathomorphologic mechanisms and the patient's personality. In order to avoid functional problems and pain caused by an insufficient seating device it is necessary to pay attention to the exact indication, time, and combination of technical options. Planning within a seating clinic needs teamwork. First the goal of treatment is defined; it depends on the functional deficit, on the daily living activities of the patient, and on the social environmental factors. Second fitting of the devices follows defined treatment guidelines. By examination of the sensoric and statomotoric system it is possible to classify the patient's sitting or seating ability for simplifying indication: three groups of active sitters who are able to change position of trunk and pelvis actively are differentiated from three groups of passive sitters who have to be seated.

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