@article{Uckeley_2019, added-at = {2019-10-21T11:13:37.000+0200}, author = {Uckeley, Z M and Moeller, R and Kühn, L I and Nilsson, E and Robens, C and Lasswitz, L and Lindqvist, R and Lenman, A and Passos, V and Voss, Y and Sommerauer, C and Kampmann, M and Goffinet, C and Meissner, F and Överby, A K and Lozach, P Y and Gerold, G}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/269614b6f8fcf753074121097260ef43c/pietschmann}, interhash = {af4ad035e3ab819893f4fa98dde728d8}, intrahash = {69614b6f8fcf753074121097260ef43c}, journal = {Mol Cell Proteomics}, keywords = {Pietschmann}, month = sep, number = 12, pages = {2401-2417}, publisher = {American Society for Biochemistry {\&} Molecular Biology ({ASBMB})}, pubmedurl = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31570497}, timestamp = {2020-01-08T10:44:08.000+0100}, title = {Quantitative proteomics of Uukuniemi virus - host cell interactions reveals {GBF}1 as proviral host factor for phleboviruses}, volume = 18, year = 2019 }