@article{mahapatrasuperior, added-at = {2015-06-04T10:51:42.000+0200}, author = {Mahapatra, S and Albrecht, M and Baru, AM and Sparwasser, T and Herrick, C and Dittrich, A M}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/273f0dfda96d0fc95892a9e70d284e218/sparwasser}, editor = {Dermatol, J Invest}, interhash = {0a2b52425d6663eb596e8255b42c12b3}, intrahash = {73f0dfda96d0fc95892a9e70d284e218}, journal = {J Invest Dermatol}, keywords = {sparwasser}, number = 10, pages = {2418-2426}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26000620}, timestamp = {2015-10-06T11:31:19.000+0200}, title = {Superior Suppressive Capacity of Skin Tregs Compared to Lung Tregs in a Model of Epicutaneous Priming}, volume = 135, year = 2015 }