
Forecasting is an important part of the decision-making process and used in many fields like business, economics, finance, science, and engineering. According to the No-Free-Lunch-Theorem from 1997, there is no general forecasting method, that performs best for all time series. Instead, expert knowledge is needed to decide which forecasting method to choose for a specific time series with its own characteristics. Since a trial and error approach is very inefficient and expert knowledge is useful but a time-consuming task that cannot be fully automated, we present a new hybrid multi-step-ahead forecasting approach based on time series decomposition. Initial evaluations show that this hybrid approach improves the forecast accuracy compared to six existing forecasting methods while maintaining a short runtime.

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  • @marwin.zuefle
  • @andre.bauer
  • @se-group
  • @samuel.kounev
  • @nikolas.herbst
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