
Longitudinal acoustic velocities have been measured for liquids in the system Na2O---Al2O3---SiO2 spanning much of the composition range Na2SiO3---NaAlSiO4---SiO2. Measurements were made at temperatures between 1185C and 1620C, using the technique of ultrasonic interferometry. Sound speeds, and therefore bulk moduli, show a general increase with increasing alumina content. This trend is explained qualitatively in terms of a molecular model of the effect of sodium and aluminum on the structure and dominant compression mechanism of silicate liquids. We present a computational model for estimation of both sound velocities and isothermal compressibilities within much of the compositional ternary Na2SiO3---NaAlSiO4---SiO2. Implications of these results for the high pressure anhydrous melting curve of albite (NaAlSi3O8) are also discussed. Acoustic velocities are presented for liquid sodium chloride in order to provide a basis for comparison with data from other laboratories.

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