
Multimodal Task Assignment and Introspection in Distributed Agricultural Harvesting Processes

, , , und . Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM 2014), Rome, Italy, Seite 227-232. International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA), (August 2014)


Harvesting processes are in fact industrial manufacturing processes that follow a tight schedule. Unexpected incidents can disturb a harvest and require a replanning of the process in order to avoid severe financial losses. When a new plan has been found, it must be communicated to the affected process participants, i.e., drivers of agricultural machinery. This paper presents a cloud-based system for orchestrating and coordinating a fleet of agricultural machinery and their drivers during an ongoing harvest in case of an unexpected incident. A management dashboard allows the real-time replanning of a harvesting process and sends updated instructions to each affected driver's mobile device. The paper focuses on the communication between the contractor and a driver in the field as well as the interaction of the driver with his mobile device. It is explained how the system accomplishes a fast, traceable, and safe communication with the drivers that may suffer from bad network conditions and a high cognitive load. In order to understand the details of his new tasks, a driver can examine them in a multimodal dialogue including speech with the system. This is beneficial in a driving situation. By interacting with the mobile client, the system also deduces if the driver correctly understood his new instructions and can intervene if not.

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