
Hypertext and the Scholarly Archive: Intertexts, Paratexts and Metatexts at Work

. Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, стр. 175--184. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2001)
DOI: 10.1145/504216.504262


With the Web, hypertext has become the paradigmatic rhetorical structure of a global and distributed archive. This paper argues that the scholarly archive is going though a process of hypertextualization that is not adequately accounted for in theories on hypertext. A methodological approach based on Gerard Genettes theory of transtextuality is proposed for a study of the hypertextualized archive. This involves a rejection of the reductionist opposition of hypertext and the fixed linear text, in favor of a study of the intertexts, paratexts and metatexts that work at the interface between texts and archive. I refer to this as second-order textuality.


Hypertext and the scholarly archive

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