
There is a need for a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methodology, capable of predicting the topology and effects of fluid/fluid interfaces, which can be used as a design tool. This methodology should be robust and general enough to be applicable over a wide spectrum of engineering applications. This study contributes to the field by presenting a method capable of capturing a moving interface between two immiscible fluids on an arbitrary Eulerian mesh. The two fluids are modelled as a single continuum with a fluid property jump at the interface. A volume fraction indicator function is used to mark the individual fluids and the interface is defined as the transitional region between the fluids. A transient scalar convection equation is used to propagate it through the computational domain. In conjunction, the conservation equations for mass and momentum are solved for the dynamics of the fluid flow. Surface tension effects at the interface are included. A finite volume discretisation is applied to the transport equations. The volume fraction convection equation is discretised with a new compressive high resolution differencing scheme which satisfies local boundedness while keeping the transitional area between the two fluids restricted to one cell width. The transient discretisation in multiple dimensions of the convection equation is achieved using a new implicit predictor-corrector method. The consistent discretisation of the momentum and continuity equations with respect to the discretisation of the volume fraction equation is used to ensure a solution algorithm which satisfies the conservation of the flow properties at all times. This enables the modelling of interfaces which are exposed to large deformations. The merging or breakup of the interface is also handled in a natural way. Several test cases are presented to show the ease and accuracy with which this method can be used to predict the flow behaviour of immiscible fluids. Comparison with exact solutions and/or experimental data is made for several of these cases

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