
Institutional Economic Theory: The Old Versus the New

. Review of Political Economy, 1 (3): 249--269 (November 1989)


The object of this paper is to make some limited comparisons between the 'new' institutionalism of Williamson, Schotter, Hayek and others and the 'old' institutionalism, particularly of Veblen. It is argued that a fundamental feature of the 'new' institutionalism in which it contrasts with the 'old' is its close attachment to the idea of the abstract individual of classic liberal ideology. This attachment is found even in those minority subsets of 'new' institutionalists who are hostile to promarket policies, or non-neoclassical in matters of theory. Consequently, 'old' institutionalist warnings against proceeding on such individualistic assumptions should not be ignored, despite the value of much 'new' institutionalist analysis.

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