
Enterprise 2.0 refers to it set of organizational and technological approaches steered to enable new organization models. based on open involvement, emergent collaboration, knowledge Sharing, internal/external social network development and exploitation. It aims to respond to the new features and needs of people and boosts flexibility, adaptability and innovation. Technologically. Enterprise 2.0 covers the application of Social computing tools relating to Web 2.0, as well as the adoption of new technological and infrastructural approaches such as SOA. BPNI. RIA and new service models Such as Software-as-a-Service. The challenge for management theory is to provide empirically grounded and actionable knowledge for companies to design and implement new ICT-enabled (virtual) working environments able to extend the boundaries of their knowledge creation to their mobile workers, customers and Suppliers. Based on evidence from 70 case studies and a collaboration approach, the chapter reports the E2.0 emerging model and focuses on collaboration and knowledge sharing" aspects.

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