
Optical Response of MoSe2 Crystals

. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, (April 2017)


Solar power is a very important source of renewable energy for many low power systems. Matching the power consumption level with the supply level can make a great difference in the efficiency of power utilization. MoSe2, crystals (photo-electrodes) have been grown via a direct vapour transport technique. This paper presents results of Photo Voltage (VPh) Vs. Photo current (IPh)curves measured for MoSe2 crystals of different Intensity levels between 10, 20,'¦100W/cm2 in Polychromatic as well as Monochromatic light. We finding the Open circuit Voltage (VOC), Short circuit current(ISC), fill factor and photo conversion efficiency (?) of Mose2 crystals. The Photo conversion efficiency of this MoSe2 crystals are less than 0.1% in Polychromatic light but nearly 1% in Monochromatic light H. S. Patel | S. P. Shukla | Hitesh ParmarÖptical Response of MoSe2 Crystals" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-3 , April 2017, URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd66.pdf http://www.ijtsrd.com/other-scientific-research-area/physics/66/optical-response-of-mose2-crystals/h-s-patel

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