@inproceedings{Schmidt.2006h, abstract = {Engineering design tasks are mainly knowledge-intensive cognitive actions. Therefore, an adequate computer based structure and representation of engineering design knowledge is a crucial point to support the design engineer’s cognitive tasks. On the one hand, this knowledge representation should be compatible to the design engineer’s mental model and correspond to an intuitive way of thinking. On the other hand, this representation should comply with systematic design methods without limiting human problem solving. In this contribution, a computer supported cooperative product development system is proposed, where user group specific abstraction hierarchies are applied as reasoning spaces for each member of the product development team. From a cognitive engineering point of view it should enable a shared understanding in collaborative work, if team member A can look to a certain degree at member B’s reasoning space to set his own results in context. In a prototypic system three team member’s perspectives were realized in an application scenario, reflecting the development process of a complex electromechanical product. To analyze aspects of knowledge representation, this prototype was used by 32 engineering experts to fulfil several product development tasks. In a pre-post-comparison, data on their mental models were collected and analyzed using correlations and multidimensional scaling.}, added-at = {2024-09-17T10:38:34.000+0200}, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Schmidt, L.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2a37882032b26017dd7a364c8b5261508/sdt}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Ergonomics (Maastricht 2006)}, editor = {Pikaar, R. N. and Koningsveld, E. A. P. and Settels, P. J. M.}, interhash = {69ec9728f730c7d15024cf7c4c3b241b}, intrahash = {a37882032b26017dd7a364c8b5261508}, keywords = {Cognitive_Ergonomics Collaborative_Work Knowledge_Representation Mental_Models mmspub Product_Development}, pages = {1-6 art0439.pdf}, publisher = {Elsevier}, timestamp = {2024-09-17T10:38:34.000+0200}, title = {Empirical Study on a Computer Supported Cooperative Product Development System}, year = 2006 }