
At what cost power?

. eWeek, 24 (32): 54-54 (10/15 2007)M3: Article; Preimesberger, Chris; Source Info: 10/15/2007, Vol. 24 Issue 32, p54; Subject Term: ELECTRIC power -- Conservation; Subject Term: ELECTRIC utilities -- Costs; Subject Term: ARCHITECTURE & energy conservation; Subject Term: ENERGY conservation; Subject Term: INFORMATION technology; Subject Term: SUSTAINABLE engineering; Subject Term: ENERGY consumption; Subject Term: ENERGY management; People: WRIGHT, Scott; People: MONROE, Mark; Number of Pages: 1p; Document Type: Article.


The article offers perspectives on the debate over how environment-friendly information technology (IT) can cut electric power costs and who pays for the bill between IT departments and IT facilities. Scott Wright, IT facilities manager for Hospital Corp. of America, states that they have not encountered confusions on who is responsible for paying power bills because their IT and facilities are working closely together. Sun Microsystems Inc. director of sustainable computing Mark Monroe describes scenarios that can raise issues on energy spending.


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