
Learning is a two-way process. To get the best out of any beacon learning event, both beacon authorities and delegates share a responsibility to turn learning into action. Beacon authorities need to find out your learning needs, and respond to them flexibly. Equally, as a learning organisation there are steps that you can take to maximise the learning you can gain from a beacon event. These include: Deciding what your learning requirements are before you attend, letting beacons know what would help you most; Coming prepared for a challenge. If your first reaction is 'that wouldn't work in my service!' ask yourself if there are other ways in which you could apply the learning; Ensuring that you are the most appropriate person to attend; Can you progress action when you get back? Who else needs to hear this information?; Evaluating the principles and ideas you gain from the event and applying them to current problems. Then let the beacons or IDeA know how you did it so that others can learn; Championing change as a result of your learning, and committing the necessary resources to make it happen.

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  • @sustdev_ac
  • @nicoj
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