
We present a new method for the extraction and removal of the source wavelet from the reflection seismogram. In contrast to all other methods currently in use, this one does not demand that there be any mathematically convenient relationship between the phase spectrum of the source wavelet and the phase spectrum of the earth impulse response. Instead, it requires a fundamental change in the field technique such that two different seismograms are now generated from each source-receiver pair: the source and receiver locations stay the same, but the source used to generate one seismogram is a scaled version of the source used to generate the other. A scaling law provides the relationship between the two source signatures and permits the earth impulse response to be extracted from the seismograms without any of the usual assumptions about phase. We derive the scaling law for point sources in an homogeneous isotropic medium. Next, we describe a method for the solution of the set of three simultaneous equations and test it rigorously using a variety of synthetic data and two types of synthetic source waveform: damped sine waves and non-minimum-phase air gun waveforms. Finally we demonstrate that this method is stable in the presence of noise.

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