
Effect of thymol treatment on decay, postharvest life and quality of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) Fruit cv. ‘Gaviota

. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR), Vol. 6 (No. 4): p. 151-162 (May 2015)


Strawberry as a non-climacteric and perishable fruit that is susceptible to fungal infections especially Botrytis cinerea. Therefore, its storage life is too short. Alternatives to the use of conventional fungicides are needed because of concerns about human health risks. Postharvest application of conventional fungicides to fruits is prohibited. The aim of this study was evaluation of non-chemical and safe compounds like thymol to prolonged fruit storage life and maintained quality and quantity characteristics of strawberry fruit cv. Gaviota. Therefore, thymol at 4 concentration (0, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 μll-1) and 2 treatment methods (spray on fruits and paper disk method) in in vivo condition were used. Then quality characteristics of fruits (weight loss, pH, TA, TSS, vitamin C, anthocyanin, calcium, pectin, catalase, peroxidase and polygalacturonase activity, decay and sensory analyses) were evaluated. Treated fruits with thymol had lower weight loss, pH, TSS, POD, PG and decay and higher TA, vitamin C, anthocyanin, calcium, pectin, CAT and fruit quality compared to controls. As a general result, thymol, as a non-chemical compound, in higher concentrations 500 and 1000 μll-1 caused lower decay incidence and longer storability and improved fruit quality compared to other treatments. Among all the treatment methods, paper disk method had higher effectuality compared to spray method.

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