@article{Anz2010, added-at = {2011-03-21T13:49:09.000+0100}, author = {Anz, D and Koelzer, V H and Moder, S and Thaler, R and Schwerd, T and Lahl, K and Sparwasser, T and Besch, R and Poeck, H and Hornung, V and Hartmann, G and Rothenfusser, S and Bourquin, C and Endres, S}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2c1b43449d6c1c13513ba4fad4fbd8729/sparwasser}, editor = {184(2), J Immunol}, groups = {public}, interhash = {55e2231be0561cf26e21bfd2225378b5}, intrahash = {c1b43449d6c1c13513ba4fad4fbd8729}, journal = {J Immunol}, keywords = {sparwasser}, number = 2, pages = {939-946}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19966212}, timestamp = {2012-06-26T10:14:04.000+0200}, title = {Immunostimulatory RNA blocks suppression by regulatory T cells}, username = {sparwasser}, volume = 184, year = 2010 }