
"CNN simply disregarded the facts and made an insulting and distorted report on China. If it does not sincerely apologize, the Chinese Government should refuse to allow CNN's signal enter China," said a netizen named "the wind" on the People's Daily Online BBS. Recently, CNN has sowed discord between the Chinese Government and the people but has refused to apologize. The activities have invoked strong reactions from Chinese netizens. China's Foreign Ministry asked CNN three times for sincere apology When the Beijing 2008 Olympic torch relay was held in San Francisco, CNN commentator Jack Cafferty said in a program called "The Situation Room" that Chinese products are "junk" and Chinese people are "basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years." Later on, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu expressed shock and strong condemnation; and firmly demanded that CNN and Cafferty apologize to the Chinese people. On the 15th, CNN's website issued a statement explaining that Cafferty was offering his opinion on the Chinese government – not its people. "CNN would like to clarify that it was not Mr. Cafferty's, nor CNN's, intent to cause offense to the Chinese people; and CNN would apologize to anyone who has interpreted the comments in this way." Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Jianchao, on the 16th, lodged a serious complaint to CNN's Beijing Office for hosting insulting words against the Chinese People; and demanded a sincere apology to the Chinese people. During a regular press conference on the 17th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang Yu severely criticized CNN for sowing discord between the Chinese people and government. Jiang Yu emphasized that the Chinese people will not accept such denigration; and hereinafter ask for a sincere apology from CNN. This is the third time the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has requested an apology from CNN. Chinese netizens called for deportation of CNN offices in China On China's major websites, Internet users have written a number of messages in support of the position taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' spokesperson. They say that if CNN refuses to give an apology, the Chinese Government should prohibit CNN's signal from entering China; and should also deport CNN offices from China. Another netizen said on the People's Daily Online BBS: Ä serious complaint is fine. But we should take practical action to strike back. We should let them know that the Chinese people accept no denigration." Yet another netizen demands that CNN's activities be suspended in China. He said: "We also demand that CNN should stop press activities in China. Before a sincere apology is delivered, CNN should not be entitled access to any interview in China. By apologizing you are not being asked to quibble! " One netizen explained his viewpoint in terms of reporting attitude on the Xinhua News Agency BBS. "Just demand that CNN quickly withdraw all the offices in China. We are fully justified to expel this kind of media which cannot report news justly." The negative sentiment was reiterated. In his view, "Cafferty's remarks reflect his personality. He was hurting himself when cursing the Chinese people. I don't think his remarks represent what the Americans believe, but only his own. But he severely hurt the Chinese people's feelings. We strongly despise him, and we will always remember his ugly face." A netizen from Wuhu pointed out on Sohu.com that "CNN is sticking to the Cold War mentality, and is a vanguard for a new style of fascist forces in a vain attempt to dominate the world." A netizen from Beijing noted: "China's relevant departments should fight back to CNN for its wanton insult to the Chinese people, such as restricting their entry and interviews, temporarily close down their branches in China. Only in this way, can we let them know that the Chinese people can not be denigrated." A netizen from Guangdong Province is even fiercer in rhetoric. He called on the Chinese Government to "deport all the rogue media including CNN" in the Sina.com BBS. A netizen from Hunan Province responded: Öf course, we should have the grace and tolerance of a big country. But we need not to be courteous with rogues." A university student from Tianjin spoke out more rationally: "We should remain calm, and do not lose our heads. We should always stand together with our government and the Party, and always give top priority to the interests of our motherland. We resolutely safeguard the motherland's peaceful reunification, and all will fight against reactionaries until the very end!" According to incomplete statistics by People's Daily Online, as of the noon on the 18th, over 78,000 messages have been posted on major websites such as People's Daily Online, Xinhuanet.com, CCTV.com, Sohu.com, Sina.com, Tencent network, in response to: "Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman demands apology from CNN."

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