@article{noauthororeditor, added-at = {2014-01-07T09:57:42.000+0100}, author = {Bunse, C E and Borchers, S and Varanasi, P R and Tischer, S and Figueiredo, C and Immenschuh, S and Kalinke, U and Kohl, U and Goudeva, L and Maecker-Kolhoff, B and Ganser, A and Blasczyk, R and Weissinger, E M and Eiz-Vesper, B}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d9666e9847c5b2fba7d2b9d06934fe65/kalinke}, editor = {One, PLoS}, interhash = {998680b0c6afce0060821b07e5bd7014}, intrahash = {d9666e9847c5b2fba7d2b9d06934fe65}, journal = {PLoS One}, keywords = {kalinke}, number = 12, pages = {e77925}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/24324576/}, timestamp = {2014-01-07T09:57:42.000+0100}, title = {Impaired Functionality of Antiviral T Cells in G-CSF Mobilized Stem Cell Donors: Implications for the Selection of CTL Donor}, volume = 8, year = 2013 }