@article{schemuthvitro, added-at = {2012-12-12T11:35:19.000+0100}, author = {Schemuth, H and Dittmer, S and Lackner, M and Sedlacek, L and Hamprecht, A and Steinmann, E and Buer, J and Rath, P M and Steinmann, J}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2e564857a690d9cd2575fb46a7a99740a/pietschmann}, editor = {Mycoses}, interhash = {177b5313a84ad34a79ddab03e80292e6}, intrahash = {e564857a690d9cd2575fb46a7a99740a}, journal = {Mycoses}, keywords = {pietschmann}, number = 3, pages = {297-303}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23170818}, timestamp = {2013-04-29T11:04:42.000+0200}, title = {In vitro activity of colistin as single agent and in combination with antifungals against filamentous fungi occurring in patients with cystic fibrosis}, volume = 56, year = 2013 }