
A passive seismic array across the Dead Sea Transform

, , , , , und . EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union. Fall Meeting Supplement, 81, Seite T12C-11+. San Francisco, California, American Geophysical Union, (Dezember 2000)


Beginning in April 2000, a temporary network of currently 20 broadband and 30 short-period seismic stations has been set up in Israel, Jordan and Palestine across the Dead Sea Transform between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. The aperture of the network is 250 km NW-SE and approximately 150 km SW-NE. In October 2000 an additional 10 broad-band seismic stations are to be brought into operation completing the installation. It is anticipated that the network be kept in operation till April/May 2001. Data are continuously recorded at 50 Hz sample frequency. The aims of the project are (1) to carry out a tomographic study of the area, (2) to investigate crust and upper mantle discontinuities with the receiver function method, (3) to investigate anisotropy in the crust and upper mantle from shear wave splitting, and (4), to study local seismicity in the Arava Valley between the Dead and Red Sea. Data analysed for one week in May 2000 illustrate the good data quality of recordings. A local M\_L = 2.2 earthquake in the Arava Valley which escaped detection by the permanent network of seismograph stations was recorded by 15 stations of the temporary network in the initial phase of installation allowing us to derive a precise hypocentral location and focal mechanism for this event. First preliminary receiver function analyses of a few stations reveal a crustal thickness of about 30 km in the area of the transform and possibly an upper mantle low-velocity layer.

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