
A datacenter hosts hundreds of thousands of servers and a huge amount of bandwidth is required to accommodate communication between thousands of servers. Several packet switched based datacenter architectures are proposed to cater the high bandwidth requirement using multilayer network topologies, however at the cost of increased network complexity and high power consumption. In recent years, the focus has shifted from packet switching to optical circuit switching to build the data center networks as it can support on demand connectivity and high bit rates with low power consumption. On the other hand, with the advent of Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), the role of datacenters has become more crucial. It has increased the need of dynamicity and flexibility within a datacenter adding more complexity to datacenter networking. With NFV, service chaining can be achieved in a datacenter where virtualized network functions (VNFs) running on commodity servers in a datacenter are instantiated/terminated dynamically. A datacenter also needs to cater large capacity requirement as service chaining involves steering of large aggregated flows. Use of optical circuit switching in data center networks is quite promising to meet such dynamic and high capacity traffic requirements. In this thesis work, a novel and modular optical data center network (DCN) architecture that uses multi-directional wavelength switches (MD-WSS) is introduced. VNF service chaining use case is considered for evaluation of this DCN and the end-to-end service chaining problem is formulated as three inter-connected sub-problems: multiplexing of VNF service chains, VNFs placement in the datacenter and routing and wavelength assignment. This thesis presents integer linear programming (ILP) formulation and heuristics for solving these problems, and numerically evaluate them.

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