@article{koutsoudakissoraphen, added-at = {2015-07-13T12:12:27.000+0200}, author = {Koutsoudakis, G and Romero-Brey, I and Berger, C and Perez-Vilaro, G and Perin, P M and Vondran, F W and Kalesse, M and Harmrolfs, K and Muller, R and Martinez, J P and Pietschmann, T and Bartenschlager, R and Bronstrup, M and Meyerhans, A and Diez, J}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2f40f4441a6bf7ec504504c136fdde11a/pietschmann}, editor = {Hepatol, J}, interhash = {ad58cf580dfa57dd91f051f27aa7fb39}, intrahash = {f40f4441a6bf7ec504504c136fdde11a}, journal = {J Hepatol}, keywords = {pietschmann}, number = 4, pages = {813-821}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26070407}, timestamp = {2015-10-06T10:07:58.000+0200}, title = {Soraphen A: a broad-spectrum antiviral natural product with potent anti-hepatitis C virus activity}, volume = 63, year = 2015 }