
The Social Hyperlink

. HT '09: Proceedings of the Twentieth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, New York, NY, USA, ACM, (July 2009)


Online, hyperlinks connect not just related information, but people who relate to one another. In this talk I will discuss the many dimensions and uses of the social hyperlink across a variety of online communities. Sometimes it is the information that brings the people together, as they are seeking answers to questions, or seeking to answer questions. In online question and answer forums, hyperlinks record a fleeting social interaction, an information exchange. In other instances, for example, in virtual worlds, social hyperlinks may be conduits for social influence, direct transfer of information, or even the sharing of virtual goods. Occasionally, an online tie is established in order to navigate the real world, or more specifically, find a real couch to sleep on. This of course takes a good deal of trust -- trust that is expressed in hyperlinks.

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