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%0 Report
%1 staabintrep00
%A Staab, Steffen
%A Maedche, Alexander
%A Handschuh, Siegfried
%D 2000
%N 412
%T Creating Metadata for the Semantic Web - A Annotation Environment and its Evaluation
added-at = {2010-03-31T13:45:48.000+0200},
author = {Staab, Steffen and Maedche, Alexander and Handschuh, Siegfried},
biburl = {},
institution = {Institute AIFB, Karlsruhe University},
interhash = {391cfd0bdb9970362ec64e681a3f7a9c},
intrahash = {f47676ce38b7df2db7a3dc49d288e55f},
keywords = {},
number = 412,
timestamp = {2010-03-31T13:45:48.000+0200},
title = {{Creating Metadata for the Semantic Web - A Annotation Environment and its Evaluation}},
year = 2000