
Exceptional Icy Cold Waves that Swept Across Different Parts of the World during the Current and Previous Rainy Seasons



The unprecedented cold, snowy waves that swept across different parts of the globe during the winter of 2021 2022 cannot be attributed to the climatic changes that the world is currently witnessing..Rather, its cause is due to the thousands of tons of sulfur gases that were emitted from the ground volcano CumbreVieja on the Spanish island of La Palma, which lies to the west of the Maghreb and which lasted for a period of three full months, starting from September 19, 2021 until December 13, 2021., as well as the sulfur gases that were emitted from the submarine volcano Hunga Tonga HungaHaapai Volcano, which is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on January 15, 2022. The force of the explosion of the last volcano is believed to be the largest volcanic eruption recorded anywhere on the planet in 30 years, as the volcanic eruption was strong enough to inject volcanic material into the stratosphere, which can lead to a cooling effect on global temperatures. The sharp cold waves were not limited to this winter, but also during the winter and spring of 2020 2021 there were very cold waves due to the explosion of La Soufrière volcano on the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent, which began its eruption on December 27, 2020 and then exploded on April 9, and the explosion continued until noon April 11, 2021. This volcano released into the upper atmosphere the highest level of sulfur dioxide ever recorded after satellites began monitoring the Earths atmosphere in the mid 20th century. Thus, it can be said that this exceptionally icy coldwaves is due to the release of large quantities of sulfur dioxide gas from volcanoes and which led to blocking the suns rays from the earth due to the formation of aerosol in the stratosphere. Khaled Abdel-Kader Ouda "Exceptional Icy Cold Waves that Swept Across Different Parts of the World during the Current and Previous Rainy Seasons" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-3 , April 2022, URL: Paper URL:



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