
The Role of Sambal Pecel and Tempe Chips Businesses in Encouraging the Growth of Umkm in Kanigoro Village, Kartoharjo Sub-District, Madiun City

Central Asian Journal of Social Sciences and History, 4 (12): 233-244 (November 2023)


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises play an important role in improving the welfare of the community in various regions, including in Kanigoro Village, Kartoharjo District, Madiun City. The chili pecel and tempe chips business is a type of culinary business that is popular in Indonesia and the research has the aim of knowing and analyzing the role of the chili pecel and tempe chips business in encouraging the growth of MSMEs in Kanigoro Village, Kartoharjo District, Madiun City. The method of data collection is observation and in-depth interviews, while the analysis is by reviewing the data that has been obtained and then making a reduction. The results and discussion explain the existence of successful local or regional MSMEs such as the tempe chips and sambal pecel businesses in the Kanigoro area has resulted in increased demand for local raw materials, products and services, thereby encouraging local economic growth. This can lead to a multiplier effect where the growth of one MSME will encourage the growth of other MSMEs and support related economic sectors. The existence of the tempe chips and sambel pecel industry revives the demand for soybean and peanut raw materials. In addition, it also revives other business actors engaged in marketing, such as souvenir shops, stalls, itinerant traders, food stalls and so on. The large number of MSMEs creates a conducive environment for the growth and development of MSMEs in this region



  • @centralasian_20

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