
An interacting system in population genetics. II

J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 20 (4): 723--733 (1980)


Introduction In th e previous paper 1 0 we studied a n interacting system in population genetics, which is called a continuous time stepping stone m o d e l. L e t u s review o u r m o d e l. L e t S b e a countable s e t . Each element i o f S is called a colony. Assuming that there a re two alleles A a n d B at each colony, we denote by x (1—x ) th e gene frequency o f th e A-allele (resp. the B-allele) f o r th e colony iE S. We consider a time evolution o f gene frequencies, which is caused by migration among colonies and random sampling drift. L e t X -= 0 1 ' be the space of systems of gene frequencies, which is equipped with th e product topology. L e t C(X ) be the Banach space o f all continuous func- tions equipped with the suprem um norm and C (X ) be th e s e t o f all C -functions depending only o n finite number o f coordinates o f X. L e t u s consider th e following infinite dimensional differential operator A,



  • @peter.ralph

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