
Future carbon dioxide concentration decreases canopy evapotranspiration and soil water depletion by field-grown maize

, , , , , , , und .
Global Change Biology, 19 (5): 1572--1584 (01.05.2013)
DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12155


Maize, in rotation with soybean, forms the largest continuous ecosystem in temperate North America, therefore changes to the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of water vapor and energy of these crops are likely to have an impact on the Midwestern US climate and hydrological cycle. As a C4 crop, maize photosynthesis is already CO2-saturated at current CO2 concentrations (CO2) and the primary response of maize to elevated CO2 is decreased stomatal conductance (gs). If maize photosynthesis is not stimulated in elevated CO2, then reduced gs is not offset by greater canopy leaf area, which could potentially result in a greater ET reduction relative to that previously reported in soybean, a C3 species. The objective of this study is to quantify the impact of elevated CO2 on canopy energy and water fluxes of maize (Zea mays). Maize was grown under ambient and elevated CO2 (550 μmol mol−1 during 2004 and 2006 and 585 μmol mol−1 during 2010) using Free Air Concentration Enrichment (FACE) technology at the SoyFACE facility in Urbana, Illinois. Maize ET was determined using a residual energy balance approach based on measurements of sensible (H) and soil heat fluxes, and net radiation. Relative to control, elevated CO2 decreased maize ET (7–11\%; P < 0.01) along with lesser soil moisture depletion, while H increased (25–30 W m−2; P < 0.01) along with higher canopy temperature (0.5–0.6 °C). This reduction in maize ET in elevated CO2 is approximately half that previously reported for soybean. A partitioning analysis showed that transpiration contributed less to total ET for maize compared to soybean, indicating a smaller role of stomata in dictating the ET response to elevated CO2. Nonetheless, both maize and soybean had significantly decreased ET and increased H, highlighting the critical role of elevated CO2 in altering future hydrology and climate of the region that is extensively cropped with these species.



  • @dianella

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